The bottling factory that Bruce Banner was working at made an energy drink out of guaraná. Guaraná comes from the Paullinia cupana plant that is found in the Amazon Basin and is very common in Brazil. Guaraná or guaranine is used in many carbonated soft drink, energy drinks and teas. Many people who are unable to take the taste of coffee for their caffeine dose choose to drink beverages that are made from the seeds of this plant. The chemical for caffeine which is derived from Guaraná is identical to that found in other caffeine sources and has the same stimulating effects. There are also other benefits to drinking guaraná including helping with weight loss, improving memory and increasing the amounts of antioxidants in your body. Guaraná does have some risks associated with it including, nervousness, sleeplessness, anxiety, diarrhea, chest pain, irregular heart beat and death. The FDA recommends no more then 300mg of caffeine per day, which would be about three 16oz sodas that are consumed in Brazil. Over 25% of the drinks on the market in Brazil have guaraná and in the US it holds a GRAS status (Generally Regarded As Safe).
Well I don’t generally drink energy drink but this recipe sounds interesting. So weather you choose one from the store or the one below, enjoy!
Energy Drink
4 Small ginseng tea bags
2 Quarts water
1 Cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 Cups sugar
2 Small herbal tea bags
Brew all the tea bags in one quart of water. In a pitcher add sugar, lemon juice and remaining water and mix well. Then add the brewed tea and stir. Refridgerate and serve cold.
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